". WBRQ02 The Family History Website: WILEMAN


There are over 1000 Wilemans in the family tree. You can view the tree via the ‘Quick Access’ button opposite.
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Centred largely in the East Midlands there are 4 or 5  Wileman areas in the  UK that  are surprisingly focused on a single location, such as Measham and Earl Shilton In  Leicestershire....ref Banwell index described in 'stories'. There are other  concentrations of Wilemans in Bedfordshire, Lincolnshire ,Lancashire and Yorkshire.  A glance at an old map of England suggests the potential influence of he the 'five  boroughs' on the distribution, there Is also a clear influence of the industrial  revolution and the possibility that the Quaker movement may have played a role.

Variants:  Wilman,Willman,Wollman,Wildman,Wyldman,Wyldeman,Willem,Whileman,Willeman

The first recorded spelling of the family name is shown to be that of Symon Willeman  dated 1279 and was written in The Hundred Rolls of Cambridgeshire, during the  reign of King Edward 1 when surnames became necessary due to the introduction of  personal taxation known as Poll Tax. There are  early recordings of Wil(l)man which  include Adam Willeman and Walterus Wilman both of whom are recorded in the 1379  Poll Tax Rolls of Yorkshire, whilst later in 1563 Harry Willman married Alis Worship at  St Antholins Church, London.


Popular First Names

The table below is provided by Geneanet and uses its number of indexed records as proxy to the number of family members with a certain forename.

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The table below is provided by Geneanet and uses its number of indexed records as proxy to the location of surname populations.
As you can see Wileman’s are quite focussed on specific areas of Derbyshire,Bedfordshire,Yorkshire and Lancashire

Double click to enlarge image.

Popular First Names

The table below is provided by Geneanet and uses its number of indexed records as proxy to the number of family members with a certain forename.

Double click on image to enlarge

A large part of the Wileman family, many of which were miners, can linked to the development of the Leicestershire and South Derbyshire Coalfield. The history of mining in this area is expertly covered by the Northern Mines Research Org.